Urban change Urban change / Individual countries / Timor-Leste 100m. Urban change

Timor-Leste 100m Urban change

AsiaPop (www.asiapop.org) urban change dataset details

DATASET: Alpha version 2000 and 2010 estimates of numbers of people per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match UN population division estimates (http://esa.un.org/wpp/) and MODIS-derived urban extent change built in.
SPATIAL RESOLUTION: 0.000833333 decimal degrees (approx 100m at the equator)
PROJECTION: Geographic, WGS84
UNITS: Estimated persons per grid square
MAPPING APPROACH: Land cover based, as described on the website and in: Gaughan AE, Stevens FR, Linard C, Jia P and Tatem AJ, 2013, High resolution population distribution maps for Southeast Asia in 2010 and 2015, PLoS ONE, 8(2): e55882
FORMAT: Geotiff (zipped using 7-zip (open access tool): www.7-zip.org)
FILENAMES: Example - VNM00urbchg.tif = Vietnam (VNM) population count map for 2000 (00) adjusted to match UN national estimates and incorporating urban extent and urban population estimates for 2000.

Dataset construction details and input data are provided here: www.asiapop.org and here: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0055882

Region : Timor-Leste
DOI : 10.5258/SOTON/WP00272
Date of production : 2013-05-05
Recommended citation

WorldPop (www.worldpop.org - School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton). 2013. Timor-Leste 100m Urban change. Alpha version 2000 and 2010 estimates of numbers of people per grid square, with national totals adjusted to match UN population division estimates (http://esa.un.org/wpp/) and MODIS-derived urban extent change built in. DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/WP00272

Data Files :
WorldPop datasets are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means that you are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially, provided attribution is included (appropriate credit and a link to the licence).